365 Challenge update

It’s time for more 365s….

I haven’t done this challenge in a few years. So in some ways this feels new but also feels like it is STILL such a challenge.

I’ve tried to keep my rules few and loose…but I often feel like I’m just repeating myself. The same materials, the same stamps, paint, themes, etc.

But that’s how this works, right? You keep working every day and eventually you break through that wall. You develop your style, figure out your favorite color palette, your favorite materials and what works for you.

Keep in mind, I’m not doing a card a day. I usually work in groups when I feel inspired - I’ll do 6 or so backgrounds at the same time or use up extra paint to create a background when I’m working on something else. When I feel like I have the time and mental space, I’ll sit down and “finish” 3-7 cards at a time, using scraps and leftover materials from other projects.

I will admit, obviously, to being partial to adding poetry to my pieces. It doesn’t even matter if other people recognize the poems I include as text, all that matters to me is that I know it’s there…..


Coloring Books - More ways to “art”


Creating backgrounds using poems